The sooner you start, the quicker you will reach your goals and become a professional 3D modeller.This course will teach you everything that is important to start your journey as a 3D Digital sculptor. So don't delay: an opportunity awaits to expand your knowledge in this high-demand field.

By studying this course, you will especially benefit from the instructor’s experience creating professional art creatures and handling the software. They have carefully designed each section to help you learn the material in a matter of hours and increase your chance to become acquainted with the tools and different brushes simply and effectively. So, whether you are changing careers, looking for a vocation or are already actively studying computer graphics, this course is for you! The instructor created this course for convenience and usefulness. Once you have completed this course, you will create stunning concepts and become adept at presenting your creations in the best possible way. In the last section of the tutorial, you will discover how to render your creation in ZBrush and export those renders to Photoshop for the final compositing of the image. As you get closer to completing the high-resolution model, the final step is to go through sculpting and detailing. In order to keep your project neat and tidy, you will learn to work with multiple subtools. This phase is very important to create a solid base for the rest of your beast. Next, you will explore how to design your creature's basic shapes and forms. You will be able to work with many tools to help you create a highly detailed and quality creature. Keep in mind that all the brushes shown here are indispensable tools that are used by all professional ZBrush users. Throughout the progress of this course, the teacher will show you the basic setup and brushes you will use and most likely need for future projects. You will be introduced to the skills required to reach such goals and the tools to push those skills to the next level in your career. Since then, many of these students have joined famous companies or started their own businesses. Throughout the years spent in the video game industry, our instructor has taught many students and created courses that introduce them to the world of computer graphics. This course delves into the computer graphic field and focuses on concept creation, a major part of any creative workflow and the first step in building new ideas. You could end up working on the newest Marvel movie, making your own indie game or creating the next Nike advertising campaign.

Therefore the opportunities available in the world of 3D-CG are endless. The term ‘computer graphics’ or ‘CG’ covers everything from games, movies, virtual reality and anything that deals with digital visual content.